Japan - Watachi Wa Genki
Une des choses que je voulais absolument voir en allant à Tokyo était le musée Ghibli. Ce studio d'animation est très fameux pour notamment Mon Voisin Totoro, Princesse Mononoké ou encore Le Voyage de Chihiro pour les plus récents (sans oublier bien sur les Tanuki, un animal typiquement japonais qui ressemble à un raton-laveur avec des testicules surdimensionnés !!!)
Après avoir demandé à Mayumi-san de réserver les billets (eh oui, c'est très populaire, il faut prévoir d'acheter les billets 1 mois à l'avance et vous avez deux heures en tout et pour tout pour la visite), nous voilà donc en route par un samedi pluvieux vers le fameux musée.
[One thing i really wanted to visit in Tokyo was the Ghibli Museum. The Ghibli studio is probably the most famous japanese animated studio which produced MY Neighbor Totoro, Princess Monoke, Chihiro and a lot of older ones (Yes, there are also responsible for Pompoko, an animated movie on Tanuki, a kind of racoon with huge love-balls !!!!)
Then, on a raining saturday morning, it's time for Mayiumi-san, Banana-Man and me to go to this Museum. Take care, you have to buy your ticket at least one month before, it's very popular and crowded]
Here is the Tanuki, at least the way japanese people represent it:

[Ok, after our train trip, we finally arrive in front of the museum. You don't believe me ?!! A proof, ok, as you can see on the picture above Mayumi, me and the cashier at the museum entrance. And you can notice that we have umbrellas, so it's raining ... i never lie :D]

Autre déception, il y a un Neko Bus dans le musée dans lequel on peut jouer. Mais c'est pour les moins de 6 ans, j'ai eu beau faire mine de ne pas comprendre les pancartes, on ne m'a pas laissé y aller. Kanashiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii desu !!!
[From now, no more picture. Unfortunately, digital camera are forbidden in the Museum, and because i'm japanese, i follow the rules (... at least some). The architects (and the non ones) will appreciate the building itself. It a huge mansion full of corridors, stairs and hidden gate, a kind of maze for kids but where adults will also like to discover. But except this, the museum is quite empty, few cellulo, storyboard and so on ... only a theater if you want to see new Ghibli's short movies. There is one with the Neko Bus !!!! Unlickily, this day, it was not this one :'(. Kanashi desu !!! Another big disappointement was the giant Neko bus. There is a room with a 6 meter long neko bus, and kids can play in/on/with. But it's only for kids under 6 !!!!! I tried, after all i can't read japanese so i don't understand "Sumimasen, Wakalimasen". But the japanese lady explained me with gestures and a huge smile (remember they are smiling) that i was too old. Yay yay, i know, my brother already told me hundreds of time]
Vous pouvre trouvez des informations additionelles sur le musée sur le site officiel, ci-dessous. Si vous avez beaucoup de temps à Tokyo et que ca vous intérésse, allez-y mais c'est dispensable. [Additional information on the official website, so if you have time in Tokyo and really want to visit it ...]
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