L'Expèrience Interdite - Cat Café
Quel rapport avec le film de Schumacher me direz-vous ... aucune si ce n'est qu'en contact des chats, Way Way a fait une réaction allergique et c'est mise à tousser/pleurer/renifler ... elle s'est ainsi rapprochée de la mort comme Kiefer et Julia ... bon j'admets, mon explication est très violemment capilotractée.
[Translation of the title : Flatliners – The Cat Cafe. Ok there is a joke in French but if you translate it to English ... mmm not working very well. It’s just a reference to this movie where Julia and Kiefer are getting closer and closer to the Death ... a little bit like Way Way last Saturday, A-Fever after our afternoon meeting with cats.]
[So what is the Cat Cafe ?? Strange name. In Japan, you usually can’t keep a pet in your apartment. Then, how to solve this desire of a little hairy ball miaowing at you and opening wide his mouth to try to tell you: “Feed Me, Feed Me”. In this Cat Cafe, in addition to the classic Orange Juice and Coffee, you can pet cats !!! The waiting list is huge to access Cat Cafe, so booking in advance mandatory, and be ready to pay. For 1 hour with cats and one orange juice, 10 euros.]
[My mum mentioned the existence of such cafe in Tokyo, so thanks to Internet and Way Way’s skill to decipher Japanese, we managed to find one close to our place (Way Way has listed on her blog a lot of them, so if you are interested you can just have a look at her website). This Saturday, we are heading to Akihabara and i must admit even if at the beginning you find the concept of such coffee quite strange and a little bit sad for the cats trapped inside, it was really one hour of fun, playing and petting cats]
1000 Yens de l'heure et pas plus d'une heure d'affilée, c'est ce qu'il vous en coutera pour un test d'allergie aux félins.
[1000 Yens for maximum hour, that’s the fee for an allergy test to Cats]
Your Kaeru,
couvert de poil [covered in hairs].
existe-t'il la même chose pour
les chiens , poissons rouges,rats
souris et autres animaux de compagnie ?
J'investigue ...
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